/** * @license * Copyright 2019 Google LLC * SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause */ import {LitElement, html, css} from 'lit'; import {customElement, property} from 'lit/decorators.js'; import TodoModel from './models/todo-model'; import Util from './util/util'; import './components/click-counter'; import './components/todo-input'; import './components/todo-list'; const DISPLAY_STRINGS = { PLACEHOLDER: 'What needs to be done?', } /** * An example element. * * @slot - This element has a slot * @csspart button - The button */ @customElement('todo-lit') export class TodoLit extends LitElement { static styles = css` :host { display: grid; grid-template-columns: auto [main-content] 600px auto; padding: 16px; } h1, .todo-app { grid-column: main-content; } .todo-app { border: 1px solid rgba(0,0,0,0.3); padding: 20px; } `; @property({type: Array}) todos: TodoModel[] = []; @property({attribute: false}) filter: Function = () => {} connectedCallback() { super.connectedCallback(); this.todos = Util.store('todos'); } render() { return html`


`; } private _getIndexById(id: string) { return this.todos.findIndex((todo) => todo.id === id); } private _addTodo(event: CustomEvent) { const newTodo = new TodoModel(event.detail); this.todos = [ ...this.todos, newTodo ]; Util.store('todos', this.todos); } private _removeTodo(event: CustomEvent) { const indexToDelete = this._getIndexById(event.detail.id); const newArray = [...this.todos]; newArray.splice(indexToDelete, 1); this.todos = newArray; Util.store('todos', this.todos); } private _toggleCompleted(event: CustomEvent) { const indexToChange = this._getIndexById(event.detail.id); const newArray = [...this.todos]; newArray[indexToChange].completed = !newArray[indexToChange].completed; this.todos = newArray; Util.store('todos', this.todos); } private _updateTodo(event: CustomEvent) { const indexToChange = this._getIndexById(event.detail.id); const newArray = [...this.todos]; newArray[indexToChange].description = event.detail.description; this.todos = newArray; Util.store('todos', this.todos); } private _toggleAllCompleted() { let completedBool = true if (this.todos.every((todo) => todo.completed)) { completedBool = false } const newArray = this.todos.map((todo) => { todo.completed = completedBool; return todo; }); this.todos = newArray; Util.store('todos', this.todos); } private _removeAllTodos() { this.todos = []; Util.store('todos', this.todos); } private _removeCompletedTodos() { const newArray = this.todos.filter((todo) => !todo.completed); this.todos = newArray; Util.store('todos', this.todos); } } declare global { interface HTMLElementTagNameMap { 'todo-lit': TodoLit; } }